Elisabetta Verardi, interprete di conferenza, traduttrice
Contact Info
Elisabetta Verardi
Conference Interpreter and Translator

My name is Elisabetta Verardi, I am a professional Conference Interpreter and Translator.
I speak, write and interprete in Italian, English and Spanish in particular for the medical, legal, marketing, drug-economics, electro-medical products, cosmetics, fashion, furniture and food & wine sectors.

I also have considerable experience in organic certification and market research.
I’m a community interpreter and I deal with voice-over.

I am an ordinary member of AITI (Italian Association of Interpreters and Translators) and of CIOL (Chartered Institute of Linguists).

I live by words and I know the impact they can have on the communication and success of any company. That is why it is important to choose the right ones and always rely on a professional. I have been collaborating with Studio Balzaro for many years, which has enabled me to further put all my specializations into practice

Lingua: lo strumento della mente. (Elbert Hubbard)